Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pump it...LOUDER

Camp is amazing, it's a constant test of what I am able to do physically, mentally, emotionally, and creatively. I've never been in an environment before where I was expected to produce so many creative and entertaining ideas on such limited time, but luckily the sleep deprivation makes crazy ideas pop into your head!

The people I'm working with are all amazing rock stars...that is the people who have stayed on board. Two nights ago two of our couselors, the Australian couple, decided to pack their bags and hop the gate in the middle of the night because they didn't want to do it anymore. It was really shocking to see them go in that way and made our day yesterday an absolute cluster-fuck. But we made it through, everyone else had to pitch in a little more of their time and energy, but honestly it really turned out fine and I think they were dragging us down with the negative energy. As one counselor said, sometimes you need to cut the fat off the beef! So we will be getting two new counselors within the next few days and hopefully they add some amazing energy to the team!

As far as camp in general, it has been amazing. I am teaching ESL and really enjoying the experience of teaching a language to people. My class is the mid level class, so they know enough to hold a conversation about the basics but not much more than that. I've been working a lot with them on informal conversation. Things like what's up, how's it going throw them off if you are asking them how they are. They are used to the question 'how are you' and I almost always get a "I am fine thank you, and you" response. So we are working on saying I'm good, confused, mad, and responding to What's up with "not much." Each camp day is also themed so that provides me topics to talk about in class. So far we've had Discover America, Hit Music, and Wild Wild West. Tomorrow's Valentines Day and we have a huge Boom (ie dance) I canNOT wait. It is going to be amazing!!!

Yesterday was Hit Music Day, our second activity of the day was a Dance Rota(tion) where the kids learned five different dances. I taught my jig... and actually learned a new version in the process. Being able to teach a dance not many knew and that involved a partner was really incredible and helped me strengthen a lot of relationships with the campers. So I taught the jig, they also learned Soulja Boy, a pop dance, salsa, and Thriller. Than for Evening Program, which is the last thing they do before bed, we had a "So You Think You Can Dance" competition! It was amazing and there are a few really talented dancers...all guys. So I'm anticipating one heck of an amazing BOOM! With the flares of jig, salsa, and techno dance it should be amazing!

Until next time...

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