Saturday, July 18, 2009

Second Session

Last session I served as an ESL teacher. Meaning I taught English for two hours a day, created my own lesson plans, and was responsible for making the evening programs run smoothly. As and ESL teacher and the General Store manager (which I did during free time) I had very little time to engage in the activities. This was frusturating to me and also my assistant director, because she realized I was athletic and could teach games well the second day in.

So for this session I am now an Activities Counselor!!! So my responsibilities are now to prep Congress (an hour long activity after ESL; we teach a song, cheer, do some sort of 'aerobics' and then a skit to represent the theme of the day.) Prepping Congress entails switching out the signs and creating any necessary props. Because we have many of the same theme days as last session, our prep work is extremely limited. So the past two days I have had at least one hour to myself in the morning, and then in the afternoon I get to play different sports and activities for three hours! I can go to bed right after our 11pm meeting with no lesson to plan, and I can wake up right before breakfast because I have no classroom to prepare. As of right now I'm really enjoying the switch.

A few things that have recently occured:

I began reading Twilight...yes I gave in after watching the movie and being told repeatedly the book is better. And it is in fact MUCH better, I'm in LOVE!

Yesterday I realized I have been vegetarian for 4 years!!!

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