Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camp Life

There are three days left of my first session at camp and my attitude has completely shifted! I just realized I will never see any of the kids ever again!! Which is so very sad to me.

While there are a group of boys who are always looking for trouble when together; names Segway, Sprite, Fraggle, Fonzie, Obama, and Cash Money, apart they are so sweet and knowing that they will no longer be around to test the boundaries is sad to me.

Maverick and I have become really close. He is 15 and a Half, as he likes to say, and is always looking to improve his English. While he has really strong English and we have adult like conversations often, he will repeat different words like neither when it is something he is trying to remember to incorporate into his speaking. He is so very sweet and I will miss him lots and lots!

Then there is a group of kids that are some of the youngest at camp; Daffy, Wiley, PeeWee, Snap, Butterfly, Hermine, Fire, and Wind, and they all just broke out of thier bubbles and are really vocal and hilarious. The way to interact with each other, laugh at silly things, and form relationships is so adorable!

And then there are some of my family members who are always the head of attention, never do things that are really bad but are always pushing the boundaries; Blue, Crackle, Peyton, Milkshake, Penguin, South Park, and Pop. I love them all, they love mocking me, and we have lots of fun together!

I find it hilarious that I will forever remember these kids by their idiodic camp names! When speaking about them to people, and brining up names like Milkshake and Segway I can't help but laugh and love American Village a little bit more!!!

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