Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Stars Have Aligned!

By some act of cosmo power I am no longer working the last two weeks of August!! While I was told this would only happen if I straight up terminated my contract, which I did not do, it happened anyways!!! So now I'm planning on staying in Lagos Portugal for 10 days with some girls from camp. Two of them have been there before and have many connections for lodging and work!!! Than late August we will be going to Valencia Spain to celebrate La Tomatina, which is a tradition where everyone dresses in white, means in the center of the town, garbage trucks of tomatoes arrive, and everyone throws them at each other for hours...because why not?!

I also found out my new site assignment. I will be living in the Pyrnees for the next two weeks and I was also asked to do convoyage, which means I will be accompanying campers to camp from Paris!! So I was able to get two weeks to travel, I get to go back to Paris for a few nights, and then I get to live in the Pyrnees in the south of France for two weeks! Hella awesome!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pedigocial Concerns

Today I was covering an ESL class for a co-counselor who had the day off. It was American History Day, I was given instructions to break the class into pairs and give each pair a different historical event to research and then teach the class about. I did that and then decided to share a historical event myself, so I showed my class the 'I Have a Dream' speech, and prefaced it by saying MLK was pivotal in the Civil Rights Movement and that he lead many of the demonstrations that led to equal rights.

While we were watching the speech I became extremely upset with myself and AmVil in general. I have spent the past year and a half studying social justice and working with kids that are effectly negatively daily due to racial injustice, and the only thing I had to say about it was the MLK created racial equality. Beyond that, each day at AmVil is themed, each theme perpetuates many of the stereotypes minorities have battled years if not decades to eliminate. The kids I work with are 15-18 years old and we feed them the same ignorant bullshit people learn from cowboy and indians & mobster movies.

While I recognize the language difference, and could argue a disadvantage when attempting to discuss current racial hardship in American, I still think it is worth the effort and possibility of difficult communication. I realized today, that while it may be within AmVils Pedigogy to teach various aspects of American culture through the use of inaccurate stereotypes, my personal pedigogy disagrees. Since being at camp I have not been challenged, often due to lack of diversity, to continue to think about the different social structures that are set up in my favor and put those of lower economic status or darker skin through greater obstacles. I miss working for PL, having conversations with young people about the difficulities they face and what they are willing to do to change them. And more than ever, I'm excited for HECUA in the fall. It's exactly what I need!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Second Session

Last session I served as an ESL teacher. Meaning I taught English for two hours a day, created my own lesson plans, and was responsible for making the evening programs run smoothly. As and ESL teacher and the General Store manager (which I did during free time) I had very little time to engage in the activities. This was frusturating to me and also my assistant director, because she realized I was athletic and could teach games well the second day in.

So for this session I am now an Activities Counselor!!! So my responsibilities are now to prep Congress (an hour long activity after ESL; we teach a song, cheer, do some sort of 'aerobics' and then a skit to represent the theme of the day.) Prepping Congress entails switching out the signs and creating any necessary props. Because we have many of the same theme days as last session, our prep work is extremely limited. So the past two days I have had at least one hour to myself in the morning, and then in the afternoon I get to play different sports and activities for three hours! I can go to bed right after our 11pm meeting with no lesson to plan, and I can wake up right before breakfast because I have no classroom to prepare. As of right now I'm really enjoying the switch.

A few things that have recently occured:

I began reading Twilight...yes I gave in after watching the movie and being told repeatedly the book is better. And it is in fact MUCH better, I'm in LOVE!

Yesterday I realized I have been vegetarian for 4 years!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

An Ode to Bureaucratic Bullshit

I have officially finished my first of four sessions with American Village. It is odd to say but the kids and schedule were the least exhausting part of my job. Instead of the likely sources of exhaustion and frustration, it was my staff.

As I have mentioned there have been many issues with staff. The two that left were an obvious problem. Two will be leaving tomorrow because of AWFUL work ethic, and one of the replacements is as good as gone because all he does is take smoke breaks. But worst than the counselors that are unproductive and lack a team mentality is our Site Director.

The first few days of work many of the counselors were put off by the way that my SD speaks to us. She will often yell at people for not following her vague orders and tell us that we are conducting the day in a horrible fashion while offering no suggestions or constructive criticism. Successes go unmentioned, and failures are always broughten up. We shrugged it off after being told that it is the French Way of dealing with staff. She is the Director, what she says and the manner she says it in goes. While I would chose to direct a staff differently, I have tried not to let her poor managing skills effect my attitude or outlook on this camp. However, in addition to yelling at and embarassing us she constantly changes rules and breaks French laws and camp policies.

The past three nights me and three fellow counselors have shared wine after the campers went to bed and just vent about all the bullshit and inappropriate choices my SD has made the past two weeks. Without these times to get it out of our system I don't think we would be able to maintain the energy we do throughout the day. But it's complicated by the fact that one of my fellow counselors is the Assistant Director and she is in a constant struggle whether or not to report the wrongdoings to our SD's supervisor. While this seems like a simple decision it is complicated by the fact that our SD is dating her supervisor, and the things that the supervisor has already been notified of have been completly dismissed and ignored. So if we were to get anything changed the AD would have to go over the head of our SD's supervisor and go straight to the top Director of AmVil. This would not only piss off the SD but in addition would piss off her supervisor!!!

Oh Bureaucratic Bullshit

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camp Life

There are three days left of my first session at camp and my attitude has completely shifted! I just realized I will never see any of the kids ever again!! Which is so very sad to me.

While there are a group of boys who are always looking for trouble when together; names Segway, Sprite, Fraggle, Fonzie, Obama, and Cash Money, apart they are so sweet and knowing that they will no longer be around to test the boundaries is sad to me.

Maverick and I have become really close. He is 15 and a Half, as he likes to say, and is always looking to improve his English. While he has really strong English and we have adult like conversations often, he will repeat different words like neither when it is something he is trying to remember to incorporate into his speaking. He is so very sweet and I will miss him lots and lots!

Then there is a group of kids that are some of the youngest at camp; Daffy, Wiley, PeeWee, Snap, Butterfly, Hermine, Fire, and Wind, and they all just broke out of thier bubbles and are really vocal and hilarious. The way to interact with each other, laugh at silly things, and form relationships is so adorable!

And then there are some of my family members who are always the head of attention, never do things that are really bad but are always pushing the boundaries; Blue, Crackle, Peyton, Milkshake, Penguin, South Park, and Pop. I love them all, they love mocking me, and we have lots of fun together!

I find it hilarious that I will forever remember these kids by their idiodic camp names! When speaking about them to people, and brining up names like Milkshake and Segway I can't help but laugh and love American Village a little bit more!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Status Update

Just found out today I will be at my current site through July. Today was the halfway point of my first of four sessions. Up until today I was worried that I would not be able to stick out the summer. While I was expecting an incredible amount of work and exhausting day, there have been a lot of personality conflicts among staff. Are largest issues are not the kids, it is our lack of chemistry and aligned thinking among the counselors and director. But we are doing our best to iron out the wrinkles.

I am still considering doing three 2 week sessions instead of four. I'm concerned that I will need a little more time to relax after camp and before school, and as of right now I have 3 1/2 days before school starts after I return. So I talked to the camp director about it, she said she'd see what she could do (but it's the hardest session to staff) and I should see if any of the counselors that committed to one month would be interested in taking on another 2 week stint. I've decided to leave it up to fate, I can argue positives and negatives for each scenario...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pump it...LOUDER

Camp is amazing, it's a constant test of what I am able to do physically, mentally, emotionally, and creatively. I've never been in an environment before where I was expected to produce so many creative and entertaining ideas on such limited time, but luckily the sleep deprivation makes crazy ideas pop into your head!

The people I'm working with are all amazing rock stars...that is the people who have stayed on board. Two nights ago two of our couselors, the Australian couple, decided to pack their bags and hop the gate in the middle of the night because they didn't want to do it anymore. It was really shocking to see them go in that way and made our day yesterday an absolute cluster-fuck. But we made it through, everyone else had to pitch in a little more of their time and energy, but honestly it really turned out fine and I think they were dragging us down with the negative energy. As one counselor said, sometimes you need to cut the fat off the beef! So we will be getting two new counselors within the next few days and hopefully they add some amazing energy to the team!

As far as camp in general, it has been amazing. I am teaching ESL and really enjoying the experience of teaching a language to people. My class is the mid level class, so they know enough to hold a conversation about the basics but not much more than that. I've been working a lot with them on informal conversation. Things like what's up, how's it going throw them off if you are asking them how they are. They are used to the question 'how are you' and I almost always get a "I am fine thank you, and you" response. So we are working on saying I'm good, confused, mad, and responding to What's up with "not much." Each camp day is also themed so that provides me topics to talk about in class. So far we've had Discover America, Hit Music, and Wild Wild West. Tomorrow's Valentines Day and we have a huge Boom (ie dance) I canNOT wait. It is going to be amazing!!!

Yesterday was Hit Music Day, our second activity of the day was a Dance Rota(tion) where the kids learned five different dances. I taught my jig... and actually learned a new version in the process. Being able to teach a dance not many knew and that involved a partner was really incredible and helped me strengthen a lot of relationships with the campers. So I taught the jig, they also learned Soulja Boy, a pop dance, salsa, and Thriller. Than for Evening Program, which is the last thing they do before bed, we had a "So You Think You Can Dance" competition! It was amazing and there are a few really talented dancers...all guys. So I'm anticipating one heck of an amazing BOOM! With the flares of jig, salsa, and techno dance it should be amazing!

Until next time...