Monday, June 22, 2009

Deserai de vu devoje...

I just found this posting in my drafts, which I didn't know how to access up until now. I saw it and laughed out loud! I wrote it right after getting into Paris, when I was paying for 4 euro for a half hour of internest. It quickly wrote down notes of what I wanted to say and was planning to elaborate later, but I like the notes better!

Deserai de vu devoje...I am not claiming this is close to being spelt correctly, but it was the advice given to me on my train ride from Broussel to Paris. It means I'm sorry to trouble you. I was told saying that and taking all blame in unfortunate situations will help me in Paris.

1. Everyone is in a hurry

2. I could teach exp learning...stumbled my way through all possible the awkward learning moments in 3 hours

3. Manhatten?

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