Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Apologies!!!!

It has been far too long!! Very VERY sorry! Living on a mountain I have learned a few things, you are extremely isolated from mankind (I have cabin fever like no other,) weather is extreme, I am either surrounded by cloud which is cold and depressing, or the piercing hot sun feels as though it is a few feet away, and finally the internet is not dependable :( Because of this I had not had internet for 5 days.

I literally JUST booked my flight to Portugal and am Freaking OUT with EXCITEMENT!!! I have four days of work left, tomorrow being Earth Day and a 4 hour hike up the mountain which will be GREAT!!! Than 3 of the easier camp days!! The end is Definitely in sight!!!

As of right now I am a tad concerned about money and what sort of situation I am going to be in upon returning to the States, but I told myself early on that money could not be a worry of mine. Who knows the next time I'll be travelling around Europe!! But I will definitely be seeking out work in Portugal, I'll be in a city that is run by Brits and Aussies so fortunately everything is done under the table!!! While my parents are a bit freaked by this, I'm pumped for the experience!!! Employment sounds very fluid in Lagos!!

While I'm pumped for Lagos and Valencia, I'm really looking forward to returning to all my great friends and fam waiting for me!! I am going to be spending all of Labor Day weekend in Appleton, which I have not frequented since Christmas!!! I am VERY excited! And then I will be driving, oh yes, that's right, driving back to Minneapolis!! Goodbye Megabus!!! Hello transportation options!!!

That's all for now!!

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